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FAQ and support

We know that people like to ask us questions about our new services. Here are some questions that you might ask about using TTNRT ID.

Q: What is TTNRT ID running on and what site is it on?

A: TTNRT ID is running on Keycloak as it's base framework and the service is located on US East.

Q: If I'm going to use TTNRT ID with my services, should I use the same email, username, and password for that service I'm using?

A: Yes you should! When signing up for our services, your account doesn't match what you post to the database. As a workaround, you should consider having the same email, username and password in case you need your password if your client or application uses that.

Q: Is it safe to link my current account with the ID system?

A: Yes it is. Your account will still be accessible through the sign-in portal as it should.

Q: If I delete my account on TTNRT ID, what will happen to my login for the service I'm using it for?

A: The best answer we can give that your account may or may not be deleted after deleting your account on the ID system. Your account is linked to whatever account you made and is supposed to be that way as long as it should.

Q: When I change my password on the ID system, should I also change on the service as well if it doesn't update it automatically?

A: Yes you should.

Q: How can I report issues if the system is not working for me or is having issues?

A: You should report them to our support email right away if you are having issues with the system.

Q: Will all services use this system as part of the safety plan in place?

A: Not all services will use the Open ID Connect system, so we can't tell if all services, including myTT, will use this method of sign-in.

Q: If I'm going to add a account with this system on TTGit, is it okay and safe for me to add a password along with a username? With the Git client as well?

A: Yes you should! Git clients don't support the use of OAuth or OpenID connect with external providers, so you should add a username and password when linking. This is important if you are using Git-scm for pushing, pulling or committing changes to your repo. You should also add an email after creating if needed.

Q: If I get my account removed or delete it, will TTGit or any other service that relys on TTNRT ID remove it from their database?

A: We haven't looked into that as of now. However, your account is linked to that account you created on the database and what service your using with it.